The Flow Freedom Program

One on one coaching with Eden Sallenbach

sitting at beach

Is the Flow Freedom Program right for you?

If you experience any of these symptoms, there’s a solution.

Period struggles

Your periods are either missing or heavier than ever

Mental Health

You struggle with mood swings, depression +/or anxiety


You experience unbearable cramps and breast tenderness every cycle


You suffer from ongoing skin breakouts


You crave sugar/processed foods + caffeine


You feel chronically fatigue

Weight Retention

You can’t lose weight

Low Libido

You have zero sex drive

I created the Flow Freedom Program to help you understand how everything you do in your life is connected to the state of your hormones. I help you save time, money, and stress by ensuring your protocol is personalized and flexible, and that your freedom wins are long-lasting.

Eden Sallenbach
Registered Nurse + Certified in Integrative Nutrition

What's included

Investing in your health will get you:

6 months of ongoing support with Eden Sallenbach


12 virtual 1:1 sessions (consistently every 2 weeks).


Handouts with personalized assignments, dietary + lifestyle recommendations, recipes, and more.


Regular plan modifications to allow for growth, as you and your lifestyle evolve.


Optional pantry overhauls + supermarket tours (for local clients only).

Ready to start your healing journey?

It’s time we stop normalizing negative, cycle-related symptoms. Women are not destined to suffer!

A Taste Of Flow Freedom: FREEBIE!

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