
Hey Lovely, I’m Eden!

Eden standing in front of be kind artwork

With a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, over 500 hours of Yoga Teacher Training, and a Certification in Integrative Nutrition, my mission is to use my diverse knowledge to encourage women to harness their ability to live a comfortable, confident, and symptom-free life each and every day of their cycle.

On top of personally experiencing dead-end treatments for my acne, fatigue, lost periods, anxiety, and immune dysfunction, I continue to witness many patients undergo drastic, preventable procedures in my nursing practice. And it’s about time we shift this process.

I am here to help you create meaningful and maintainable lifestyle changes by:

  1. Treating the root cause, rather than providing a band-aid approach
  2. Focusing on ALL Determinants of Health, or what I like to call Primary Foods. These are the, often overlooked, areas of health OFF the plate
  3. Creating a safe space for you to do the ‘inner work’, allowing a true glow from the inside out
  4. Offering you tangible resources that fit your specific needs
  5. Incorporating consistency, repetition & accountability into your program to create lasting, holistic habits
Things I Unapologetically Adore
  • smoothie bowls + green juice - heavy on the greens
  • intuitive movement - working with my natural energy shifts
  • lattes - matcha / espresso / turmeric / cacao / whatever!
  • early mornings - waking up with the sun is never a regret
  • nature walks + a good podcast
  • farmers markets + nutritious, whole foods
  • all things travel - by road (#vanlife), sea, or plane
  • my sister friends + family near and far
  • my heavily manifested partner + best friend
  • books over tv - every time

A Taste Of Flow Freedom: FREEBIE!

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